

Empowerment is not only the key to self-assurance, but also the foundation on which many healthy decisions are made.  This webinar shows employees ways to improve their confidence and self-belief, which makes choosing healthier decisions a much easier habit. When you...
Reclaim Rest

Reclaim Rest

Resiliency has been the hot topic in recent years.  With the efforts required to stay strong, we sometimes forget to rest, relax, and recover.  The Reclaim Rest webinar walks employees through a series of thoughts and techniques they can do each each day to achieve...
Work-Life Harmony and Balance

Work-Life Harmony and Balance

The search for the ideal work-life balance and harmony remains a perpetual journey.  During this webinar, we help participants find a middle ground where they can effectively manage their work commitments while also nurturing their personal relationships, pursuing...
Get Fit While You Sit

Get Fit While You Sit

Do you spend a lot of time sitting at home or in the office?  Your day may not be designed in a way that sets you up for fitness success.  In this session we will share how easy it is to stay healthy even while sitting.  Learn things such as stretching hacks,...
Make Movement Your Mission

Make Movement Your Mission

Don’t have time to workout?  We’ll help you shift your priorities and your mindset so you can discover what exercise should look like and you can fit it in during your day.  Learn about all of the opportunities that you missing throughout the day where you...