Empower through nutrition

Take control of your nutrition today

Hi Friends! I’m Elizabeth Gabrielson, a chef, food educator and wellness coach. It is so good to meet you!
I’m going to be direct because I want you to succeed in reaching your health goals: you have only one body to live in for your entire life and and it’s your responsibility to care for it!  Think about that… Super cool and super motivating, right?  Let’s embrace that reality and feel truly empowered to take control of our nutrition starting today!
This month, I want to encourage you to lean on your wellness resources – right here is a great place to start!  Knowledge about nutrition translates into power. With that power comes real changes.

Here are a few ideas to try this month

Eat the rainbow: Try to incorporate 5 colors a day – red, yellow/orange, blue, green & white
Wake up with water: Start the morning with a large glass of water (ahem: before coffee) 
Think ahead: Meal plan both your meals AND snacks for the week to stay on track
Keep a log: Aren’t even sure what you’re eating? Jot it down and start observing your choices
Forgive & forge ahead: Do not let one less-nutritious meal or snack define the rest of your day. You’re human, so just get right back on track without throwing in the towel